Apolonio "Pol" Medina Jr. (born April 6, 1960)

A Filipino cartoonist best known for creating Pugad Baboy, a black-and-white comic strip first published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 18, 1988. He started his journey when he was a young architect in Iraq trying to find some excitement in his life. Terribly missing home, he created the world of Pugad Baboy, which has since become one of the most accurate reflections of Filipino life, relationships, and politics —something he says, he never intended.

The Legacy Collection Vault

The Legacy of Pol Medina Jr. is a digital arts collection stored on the Ethereum blockchain. This collection was created to transform his physical art pieces throughout his career in this rare, one-of-a-kind NFT Collection that immortalizes his legacy and the history of art in the Philippines. Learn more about being a fractional owner of these items and stake future rewards here.

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The Legacy Collection

The Legacy of Pol Medina Jr. is a digital arts collection stored on the Ethereum blockchain. This collection was created to transform his physical art pieces throughout his career in this rare, one-of-a-kind NFT Collection that immortalizes his legacy and the history of art in the Philippines.

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1,000,000 pinoys can't be wrong.